mercoledì 2 dicembre 2020

Elliot Page, Oscar-nominated star of Umbrella Academy, speaks out about being transgender

“Elliot Page has given us fantastic characters on-screen, and has been an outspoken advocate for all LGBTQ people,” said Nick Adams, GLAAD’s Director of Transgender Media. “He will now be an inspiration to countless trans and non-binary people. All transgender people deserve the chance to be ourselves and to be accepted for who we are. We celebrate the remarkable Elliot Page today.”  ph. Courtesy of Elliot Page

Today, Elliot Page, Oscar-nominated star of Umbrella Academy, spoke out about being transgender and non-binary on Instagram: click >>>  HERE

GLAAD also released a tip sheet for journalists covering the story:

The following style guide provided by GLAAD is designed to help you create respectful and accurate coverage, while avoiding common mistakes and clichés, around Elliot Page’s decision to live publicly as their authentic self. Please read thoroughly and respect the language and terminology guidelines below.

For a more extensive Reference Guide on covering transgender issues, please visit For additional resources visit 

  • DO describe people who transition as transgender, and use transgender as an adjective. Elliot Page is a transgender person. DON'T use transgender as a noun: "Elliot Page is a transgender". DON'T use "transgendered." Transgender never needs an extraneous "-ed" at the end. DON’T use "transsexual" or "transvestite."
  • DO describe Elliot Page as a non-binary, transgender person. Both transgender and non-binary are umbrella terms that describe many different types of experiences. In Page's case, it can be used like this: "Elliot Page describes themself as transgender and non-binary, meaning that their gender identity is neither man nor woman."
  • DO refer to Elliot Page's gender identity being non-binary, not his sexual orientation. Gender identity is one's own internal, deeply held sense of one's own gender. Sexual orientation is who one is attracted to. They are not the same thing and should not be conflated or confused.
  • DO refer to them as Elliot Page. DON’T refer to them by their former name. He has changed it, and should be accorded the same respect received by anyone who has changed their name. Since Elliot Page was known to the public by their prior name, it may be necessary initially to say "Elliot Page, formerly known as Ellen Page, …" However, once the public has learned Page's new name, do not continually refer to it in future stories.
  • DO use he/they pronouns when referring to Elliot Page. This means you can use either he/him or they/them pronouns to refer to Elliot. Both pronouns are acceptable. If you need to explain this to your audience, you can include a sentence that says "Elliot Page uses both he/him and they/them pronouns; this story will use he/him when referring to Page."
  • DON'T use she/her pronouns to describe Elliot Page, even when referring to events in their past. Simply use their current name and pronouns. For example, "Elliot Page began their career as a child actor before their breakout performances in Hard Candy and Juno."
  • AVOID the phrase "born a woman" when referring to Page. If it is necessary to describe for your audience what it means to be transgender, consider: "Elliot Page was designated as female on his birth certificate, but is now living as his authentic self."
  • DON'T speculate about medical procedures transgender people may or may not choose to undertake as part of their transition. This is private medical information, and a transgender identity is not dependent on medical procedures. Overemphasizing the medical aspects of a person's transition objectifies transgender people, and prevents the public from seeing the transgender person as a whole person.
  • DON'T imply that someone who discloses that they are transgender was lying or being deceptive because they chose to keep that information private. Transgender people face extremely high rates of family rejection, employment and housing discrimination, and physical violence. Every transgender person has to prepare to face the possible consequences of transitioning to live as their authentic self. That caution does not mean that they were deceptive or lying. It simply means they felt it necessary to keep their authentic self private until they were safely able to disclose it to others.
  • DON'T indulge in superficial critiques of a transgender person's femininity or masculinity. There is no one way to "look" transgender or non-binary. Transgender people can have a range of gender expressions, just like cisgender people. How a person chooses to express their gender through their hair, clothing, make-up, jewelry, etc. is their own personal decision and doesn't change their gender identity. 
  •  source:

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